Invest in your future: Scale your jewelry business today

During our 6 months together, we'll have:

💎 3 high impact 1:1 sessions spread over 3 months

💎 3 focus 1:1 calls spread over 3 months

💎 Access to all my tools, templates and methods

💎 Your personal planner to work out your goals and actions for maximum focus

💎 E-mail / Whatsapp support

Sarah L.

Your course and mentoring have given me the confidence to start my own jewelry business. I never thought it was possible, but thanks to your guidance and support, I now have a thriving business that I'm proud of.


A lot of information was presented to me, but I immediately felt the energy flowing. Daniek joined the 1-1 mentoring. How did you find the first session of the GEMS accelerator program? Very pleasant. The atmosphere was good. I also felt comfortable being open about both personal and professional challenges. A lot of information was presented to me, but I immediately felt the energy flowing. It was a really great first session.